Definition of FIRMING

verb : FIRMING

Source: WordNet 3.1

  • 1. (

    ) become taut or tauter; "Your muscles will firm when you exercise regularly"; "the rope tautened" ;

Adjective : FIRMING

Source: WordNet 3.1

  • 2. (

    ) not soft or yielding to pressure; "a firm mattress"; "the snow was firm underfoot"; "solid ground" ;

  • 3. (

    ) strong and sure; "a firm grasp"; "gave a strong pull on the rope" ;

  • 4. (

    ) not subject to revision or change; "a firm contract"; "a firm offer" ;

  • 5. (

    ) (of especially a person's physical features) not shaking or trembling; "his voice was firm and confident"; "a firm step" ;

  • 7. (

    ) securely established; "holds a firm position as the country's leading poet" ;

  • 8. (

    ) possessing the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue; "firm muscles" ;

  • 10. (

    ) unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause; "a firm ally"; "loyal supporters"; "the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe"- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison; "fast friends" ;

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